Hello, I'm Zih-Hong 👋🏻

A designer focused on designing interactive products with a comprehensive user-centered design process from user research to beautiful pixels.

i5E Marketing
This service is intended for in-house use, assisting promoters and developers in reducing time-consuming and repetitive tasks. By focusing on insights and key ideas, the service enables them to present a more professional image and complete their work more efficiently.
This conversational robot is designed for internal use, leveraging both Chatbot and OCR technologies to assist employees in creating and managing files efficiently. It also provides them with access to crucial information about the company while traveling for business or attending events. The robot can quickly scan business cards and search for relevant information through contextual conversations, streamlining the process for employees.
Contract Helper
This is a contract management platform designed for internal use by companies. It digitizes legal professionals' templates into an online editing tool, allowing users to draft contracts efficiently using simple answers. This helps save time during the legal review process, ultimately speeding up project timelines.
i5E Analysis Tool
This is an internal service designed for users to enter key technology terms of interest. Users can then explore and observe related vendors and industry structures in the field, helping promotion and R&D staff become more efficient in promoting and writing proposals.
Document Merge Tool
We've developed an in-house plan compilation tool that allows employees to quickly compile plans from multiple sources and merge them through the system. The tool also checks for writing errors and provides suggestions to improve the writing quality.
2015 - 2016 Portfolio
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